What Are the Best Credit Cards

Which Credit Cards are the Best Ones to Have?

There is no one best credit card for everyone. Deciding which is the best credit card for you, depends entirely on your particular spending habits and what you would like the credit card to do for you.

Ideally, one should have several different credit cards — each one offering you distinct advantages and suiting your various purposes.

Finding the Best Credit Card to Suit Your Needs:

If you frequently charge gasoline purchases to a credit card, you should have a gas rebate credit card offering cash back on gas purchases. These types of credit cards are particularly useful for those who need to keep a record of gasoline expenses. And, at the same time, you may as well be taking advantage of the cash back option, not being offered by the gasoline company credit card.

If you are one who travels for business, or you take annual vacations, paying for air fare and/or hotel expenses every year, you would benefit from a travel rewards credit card. All the money you spend throughout the year on your credit card will accrue points which may be used toward travel expenses, and in many cases toward other rewards as well.

Our favorite is the American Express Premier Rewards Gold Card. Being an American Express card member is extremely beneficial, considering all the perks that come with card membership.

American Express is known for their Membership Rewards Program, which allows cardholders to earn points on their purchases. Points may be redeemed for airline tickets on a large variety of airlines, hotel stays at major hotel chains, dining, merchandise, gift cards and much more.

If you are planning a large purchase, like that new big screen TV, and would like the advantage of paying no interest on your purchase — you might want to consider applying for one of the 0% interest credit cards offering zero percent interest for an introductory period.

The 0% introductory rate traditionally last anywhere from 6 to 12 months, depending on the credit card as well as your credit rating. There are currently a few cards offering 0% interest for as long as 18 months. The higher your credit rating, the longer your 0% introductory rate will last.

We hope this article has been helpful in deciding which credit cards may be the best cards for your needs.